Based on lack of posts it would seem that we haven't been doing any work for two months. Not quite true! We've done quite a lot of stuff (though much more needs to be done) and I'm going to try to put some of it together here.
First, the wheels. I took off the original wheels 32000 found that the original electric brakes *might* b be able to work, but they needed at least some new magnets and new shoes. Replacement magnets, as it turns out, cost more than brand new brakes, to say nothing of new shoes or resurfacing the old shoes. I found that the brakes are a 12" x 2" mounted on a five-hole flange. Found replacement brake assemblies at southwestweel.com and picked them up from their warehouse in Dallas.
I was a little worried that a five-hole flange on a modern brake wouldn't fit my old Airstream, but it turns out the brake fits OK. I decided to try and use the old drum, so I got it turned at my local Oreilley.Will post when the wheels are on.
The old brake assembly had a dust cover over the hub seal, shown in the next picture. There is no way to attach this cover (deiberately, of course) without causing damage to the brake assembly. After talking to my Dad for a while (thanks, Dad) Decided to replace the grease seal. A replacement seal is Napa part number 18264 (thanks to the archive on airforums.com). Stated dimensions of the seal are 1.813 ID, 3.005 OD, and .375 width. I measured the original seal as 1.814 x 3.005 x 0.330. The thicker new seal should work OK, I'll send an update once the wheels are on.
Also bought two new wheels and tires at Southwest Wheel.Look sharp, picture is coming. Exactly one month until our camping trip!!