Welcome to my blog page!! My wife and I had been looking for a trailer for a few months, hoping to find an Airstream that we can use for an upcoming trip.
Day after Christmas, 2009, up popped a Craigslist ad for a vintage 24 foot Airstream for $1400 in Alabama. We called the guy, looked at the pictures, and decided to go at 3pm. After some hasty packing (more on this below) and asking the neighbors to look after our cat, we were on our way by 5pm, excited about our new adventure.
December 27, 2009: Discovered that a bag of re-wrapped toys from Christmas, sure to make things interesting for the kids, was left behind. Joe's backpack of toys was also left. Some disappointment, but spirits are high. Book two nights at a beachfront hotel in Pensacola.
December 28, 2009: Installed a receiver hitch on the back of the Jeep Wrangler. Discovered that my hitch and ball prevent the tailgate from closing. Puzzled but not too worried yet.
December 29, 2009: Arrive in Montgomery, AL about 2 hours later than we had hoped. See the Airstream and fall in love. It's a 1957 Overlander. Interior is sparse but clean. All the plumbing is removed, the wiring is ancient, there is no propane, but we know what we're getting into, right??
Paid the man his $1400, all in twenties (got cash from ATMs along the way). Now it's time to get it home... Trailer's tow receiver uses a 2" ball - Our ball is 2 5/16, won't let the tailgate close, and will make the front end of the trailer too high. So, we zoom to Autozone and get some parts. Zoom back to our trailer, and discover that the wire socket for the lights won't reach. It's getting dark but we need to move, so we pull the trailer out (only stalled twice) and drive down the road to Autozone to get a wire extension. Rewire in the dark. Get back in.
We lost our directions to our next hotel, so we 411'd the number. Nobody answers. No idea how to get to our hotel. Drive our treasure back into town and stop at a gas station for air and gas. Wife asks for directions. Lady at the gas station is friends with the manager at our hotel, so she gives us directions. We have no idea how to follow her directions, so we buy a Montgomery map.
Left tire leaks air pretty fast -put some fix-a-flat into it and drive to our hotel. Check in, eat and sleep.
December 30, 2009: Get up and change the left tire (fortunately, Airstream guy gave us a spare). Get on the road. Trailer pulls pretty good! Stop for lunch at Burger king in some little Alabama town. Check the tires - both good, hubs are cool. Comment to wife that setup could probably drive all the way around the world. Eat lunch. Back in car, pull out onto road, BOOOOOOOOM CLANK CLANK CLANK. Nuts, hit the curb! Instantly regret that around the world comment. Pull over onto parking lot. Right tire is destroyed. Sign on parking lot says "NO TRAILERS." Go to business owner (service station) and meekly ask if I can park here long enought to replace a tire, and do you know where I can get tires in town? Guy says I'm OK, sends me to the local tire shop. Wife takes kids shopping at Dollar General, I go in search of a new tire. Tire guy sells me a used tire (all he had in the right size) for $25. One tire goes on OK, but the other rim is bent by my adventure with a curb, and won't seal. So no more spare... Pick up wife and kids at Goodwill store, pay for son's toy (boy has no toys because his backpack got left) and head for Pensacola, three hours after the curb incident. Arrive at Pensacola beach without incident.
Inspect trailer - discover that one of the old skylights lost its top along the way. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow... Will have to figure out what to do. Also found one window and one metal panel is coming apart.
December 30, 2009: Played on the beach for about 15 minutes. Had a fun day, but need to fix the hole in the roof. Decided to use a tarp to cover it up. No hardware stores in Pensacola beach, so we drive to the mainland and get a tarp, duct tape, and other stuff at WalMart. tape down window and metal panel, patch skylight, and eat at Peg Leg Petes after a 1-hour wait.
December 31, 2009: Get underway, heading toward home. Reach Mobile, AL and pick up highway 98. Drive down a big, fun tunnel, and come out the other side. I have to make a right turn to stay on 98, and I can't get over! Nobody lets me over!! Takes three left turns to turn around, and when I need to turn left to get back onto 98, the sign says "NO LEFT TURNS". Nobody lets me change lanes here!!! Decide to go back down the tunnel, and get on the "truck" route for 98. Stop down the road to check light. Lights work, but are very din in bright sunlight. Make it all the way to Vicksburg without incident.
Pretty tired - wife and I didn't stay up for new year.
January 1, 2010. Louisiana roads are BRUTAL! need to get a load stabilizer. Finish driving home after long stop at Chuck E Cheese. First week of our adventure is finished.